
Friday, April 29, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back for another Free For All Friday!

True Grit, 7 & 10 PM, Lumina Theatre, $2 with ID

Softball vs. Hofstra, 12 noon, Boseman Field
Softball vs. Hofstra, 2 PM, Boseman Field
The King’s Speech, 8 PM, Lumina Theatre, FREE with ID

Softball vs. Hofstra, 12 noon, Boseman Field

Until next time...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back for another Thursday's Thanks this week!

This week the Landing staff would like to say thank you to Dr. Chip Phillips from the Office of the Dean of Students.  Dean Phillips has worked with our staff members through a number of situations and also served as a mentor to some of the RAs on our staff.  Dean Phillips has always been welcoming to our staff and students.

Dean Phillips is also responsible for the Alternate Dispute Resolution program in which friends, significant others, and roommates can work out their disputes with one another.  This service has been used by students on campus and the work he has done to create this program is appreciated by our staff!  We want to say THANKS to Dean Phillips!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Summer Transition Part III

Good morning, everyone!

Make sure to come check-out the new bulletin board in the front office of Landing (located in the building 6 office suite) to gather all needed information about the May/Summer Transition!

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer Transition Part II

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back for Part 2 of the information about the summer transition process.

The most important thing for you to know is that sometime before or on Reading Day, your RA will be hosting a mandatory closing meeting to discuss what you need to know about moving out or moving within the Landing this summer.  Please contact your RA to find out when that meeting will be.  They will go through with you step by step how to sign up for a check-out time, what you should do in preparation for moving out, etc.

Lease Based Housing to Leased Based Housing Option – Seahawk Village, Landing, and Crossing 2 &4
If your Spring Assignment is in Leased Based Housing and your Summer Assignment is in Leased Based Housing:

  • You can remain in your Spring Assignment until your Summer Assignment is available
  • You will be contacted by the Assistant Director of Housing Operations to move into your new space
  • Upon notification, you will have 48 hours to vacate your Spring Assignment

Monday, April 25, 2011

Summer Transition Part I

Good morning, everyone!

Throughout this week, I will be sharing information about May Closing and Summer Transition in the Landing.  You will find important information here about how to know when you'll be moving out and how the move-out process works.

May 11 at 7 pm- Anyone who has been released from their summer contract must be moved out at this time.
May 15 at 10 am- All graduating seniors must be moved out by this time.
July 17 at 10 am- Anyone who is not living on campus next year and is not taking a summer class in Summer Session 2, must move out by this time.
July 30 at 10 am- Anyone who is not living on campus next year and took a course during Summer Session 2 must move out by this time.

Come back tomorrow for more information about how to sign up for a check-out time and what you could be charged for during check-outs.

Until next time...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

End of the Year Pool Party

Good morning, everyone!

I hope that you all have a nice break during this long weekend!

When you return on Monday, there will be an end of the year pool party on Monday evening at 6pm.  There will be music, ice cream, give-aways and more!  We hope to see you out at the pool so we can end the year in true Landing style at the pool!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

TV Survey

Good morning, everyone!

In the last 24-48 hours, you should have received an email requesting that you fill out a survey regarding the TV offerings at UNCW.  We are urging that you fill out this survey because it could have a huge impact on TV channels and HD offerings!  The better response the university gets to the survey, the more likely they are to listen to your feedback.

If you need a computer to access the survey from, please feel free to come to the Landing office to complete the survey.  Also, we will be set-up in the office on Tuesday, April 26 from 8-9:30 pm asking students to fill out the TV survey!

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Free HIV Testing

Monday, May 9th
FREE HIV Testing
Student Health Center, 2nd Floor of Westside Hall

This will be the last FREE testing day of the semester. Take advantage of it now!

Until next time...

Monday, April 18, 2011

UNCW Campus Sustainability Garden

On Tuesday April 19, members of the UNCW community will take the first steps toward growing a campus sustainability garden. The Sustainability Committee welcomes volunteers to assist in the assembly of raised and transferring topsoil to the containers and beds on from 1 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19. Please bring shovels, hoes, rakes and comfortable outdoor work attire. Volunteers who would like to later assist in tending the garden are also welcome.
The garden will be located between the Kresge Greenhouse and Friday Hall. Phase I will consist of 12 planters and four raised beds. Approximately 10-14 additional raised beds will be installed in Phase II (planned for May or June).

Students and members of the UNCW Sustainability Committee have been working on the concept of a community garden on campus for several years. Faculty from the departments of geography and geology, biological sciences and environmental studies have worked together providing teaching experiences and experiential learning to make this an academic endeavor.
Produce from this organic garden will ultimately be used for select campus dining events and donated to community charities. Funding is provided by donations to the UNCW Sustainability Fund.

Consider going out on Tuesday to help with Phase I of the gardening! 

Until next time...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back for another Free for All Friday!

Up 'Til Dawn, Burney Center, 5-10 PM
Baseball vs. William & Mary, Brooks Field, 6:00 pm
Battle of the Best, Hoggard High Schoo, 6:30 pm
Reel Teal Film Fesital, Lumina Theatre, 6:30 pm
Divas Live, Cultural Arts, 7:00 pm

24 Hour Hawk-In, Lumina Theatre, 12:00 noon
Softball vs. Drexel, Boseman Field, 12:00 noon
Softball vs. Drexel, Boseman Field, 2:00 pm
Baseball vs. William & Mary, Brooks Field, 4:00 pm
Dance Co. Spring Showcase, Kenan, 7:00 pm

24 Hour Hawk-In, Lumina Theatre, until 12 noon
Softball vs. Drexel, Boseman Field, 12:00 noon
Baseball vs. William & Mary, Brooks Field, 2:00 pm

Until Monday...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

This week's Thursday's Thanks goes to Rita Gordon.  Rita is in charge of auxiliary services which includes parking, cable television, and parking!  Rita took time out of her busy schedule this week to come to the RHA meeting to discuss with residential students the current policies and upcoming changes.  Rita also asked students for more feedback, which is always appreciated!

Also, Rita was spotted by many students last week our directing traffic, parking cars, and helping with parking enforcement!  That is true leadership to hit the ground running and not just have members doing the work! Thanks for leading by example, Rita!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Leadership: It's Out Of This World

Are you looking for a way to get more involved on campus?  Well, next year, UNCW will be Hosting the NCARH 2012 conference.  They are currently looking for 3 volunteers to be committee chairs to plan the conference. 

The positions open include technology, food/banquet, and entertainment/speakers.  The theme for the conference is Leadership: It's Out Of This World!

This is a way to get involved and to make difference on UNCW campus and schools around the state.  Email Katie Kolkmeier at if you are interested in getting an application.  Applications are due next Monday 4.18 by 11:59pm.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Media Swap

Good morning, everyone!

I want to take this opportunity to make you aware of a program that will be happening here in the Landing this weekend that you may be interested in!  It's called the Seahawk Media Swap!

The premise behind the program is that you'll be able to turn in old CDs, DVDs, books, video games, etc. that you don't want any more.  Each one that you turn in will earn you one ticket.  Then, you'll be able to get a new CD, DVD, book or video game for each ticket earn- you'll swap your media! 

This event is taking place on Sunday from 3-5 PM on the Landing Seal.  The RA staff will come around the buildings this week  to collect the media you want to swap and hand out the tickets.  There is also a drop box in the office if you want to drop your swap items there.

So, if you have a little down time from classes, consider going through your old things and decide what you'd like to swap for next month!

Until next time...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tunnel of Awareness

Good morning, everyone!

All students, faculty, and staff are invited to come experience this year's Tunnel of Awareness!

This year's Tunnel of Awareness provides thought-provoking presentations that encourage productive
conversations around awareness and appreciation of differences. Please come over and be part of
one of the 30-minutes tours.
Until next time...

Friday, April 8, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!  Here we go with another Free For All Friday...

ADPi Pig Pickin', Hugh McRae Park, 4:30 PM, ticker in advance
Baseball vs. Delaware, Brooks Field, 6:00 PM
127 Hours, Lumina Theatre, 7 & 10 PM, $2 with ID
Hawk It Out, Kenan Auditorium, 8 PM, ticket in advance

Softball vs. Towson, Boseman Field, 12 noon & 2 PM
Baseball vs. Delaware, Brooks Field, 4 PM
Blue Valentine, Lumina Theatre, 8 PM

Softball vs. Towson, Boseman Field, 12 noon
Baseball vs. Delaware, Brooks Field, 2 PM

Until Monday...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

This week the Landing staff would like to give our Thursday's Thanks to Hubert and Louis that work at Wagoner Hall!  These two gentlemen take what could be a general task of swiping into the dining hall and make it a welcoming experience!  Students, Faculty, and Staff alike enjoy the personal touch to their entrance into the dining hall!

The Landing Staff says THANKS for all that do to make UNCW a great place to be!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ACE Comedy presents Charade-O-Rama
Thursday, April 7
7 P.M. in Burney
This is a free event!
Free pizza!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Change for Change

Good  morning, everyone!

This week you will be receiving a baggie on the outer door to your apartment.  This bag is meant for you to collect Change for Change over the next 2 weeks.  The change collected will go toward the global water crisis.

Water. It is at the heart of a daily crisis faced by a billion of the world’s most vulnerable people—a crisis that threatens life and destroys livelihoods on a devastating scale.

Your RAs will be back around in about 2 weeks to get any change that you have collected from your apartment.  We appreciate any change you'll be donating toward this cause!

Until next time...

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Channel 77 Movies

Good morning, everyone:

Below you will find the Channel 77 movie schedule for April!  Enjoy!

Until next time...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome back for another Free for All Friday!!

Visions Film Festival, Lumina Theatre, All Day
B.o.B concert, Trask, 7 PM,

4 Lions, Lumina Theatre, 8 PM, Free with ID

Women's Tennis vs. UNC Charlotte, 11 a.m.