
Monday, February 28, 2011

Spring Break: Dub Shore

Good morning, everyone!

I am excited to announce that over the next 2 weeks, CROSSROADS, CARE, Health Promotions and other offices are partnering together to bring you a program almost every day geared toward your preparation for Spring Break.  I hope you will check out some of the Dub Shore: Safe Spring Break 2011 programming over the next few weeks!

T-shirt Time
Monday, 2/28, 11:30-1:30, Union
Play games to score Dub Shore T-shirts and kits!

Cabs are here!
Tuesday, 3/1, 11am-2pm, outside Warwick
Everything you need to get on the road safely!

Safe Spring Break Smoothies
Tues. 3/1, 4-6pm, SRC 104
Stop by for Ron-Ron juice and a Safe Spring Break kit! Sponsored by CARE, CROSSROADS, and Health Promotion

How to Avoid a Situation
Tues. 3/1, 8pm, Belk
Ladies, learn some self defense moves from Campus Police’s RAD program!

Safe Spring Break Coffee Break
Wed. 3/2, 10:30am, Seahawk Perch
Stop by for free coffee and bagels!

Wed. 3/2, 11:30-1:30, Union
Tell us where you’re going and get info on great local activities!

The Boardwalk
Wed. 3/2, 5:30-7:30pm, Wag
Everything you could need for a safe Spring Break is at the Boardwalk! Sing karaoke and get shirts, prizes, souvenir photos, and giveaways from Crossroads, Health Promotion, CARE, the Discover Outdoor Center, UNCWeekends, and many more UNCW organizations!

Happy Hour
Thurs. 3/3, 4-6pm, Sharky’s
Free food, games, and t-shirts! Sponsored by CARE.

To Tan or Not to Tan
Thurs. 3/3, 5:30pm, Belk
Get all the info on how to get a healthy glow! Sponsored by Health Promotion

Jersey Shore Party
Thurs. 3/3, 10pm-1am, Lumina Theater & Clocktower Lounge
Watch the show live on the big screen and
stick around for the after party with DJ Philly D!

UNCWeekends Bowling Night
Fri. 3/4, 10pm-12am, Carolina Beach Bowl in Ogden
Only $2 with UNCW ID. Sponsored by UNCWeekends,

Mon. 3/7, 11:30-1:30, Union
Tell us where you’re going and get info on great local activities!

Never Fall in Love on Spring Break
Mon. 3/7, 8pm, Galloway
Ron said to never fall in love at the Jersey Shore, but what about on Spring Break? Come hear from CARE about avoiding negative situations on your vacation!

G: Pumpin’ Iron
Tues. 3/8, 11:30-1:30pm, Union
Learn how to get the most out of your workout and get your best Spring Break body! Also enter a raffle to win Mike the Situation’s Workout Video!

MVP Best Buddy
Tues. 3/8, 6pm, Seahawk Crossing #2
Mike, Vinny, and Pauly always have a plan. Are you and your friends ready for Spring Break? Learn how to take care of your friends on Spring Break and after. Sponsored by CARE.

Safe Spring Break Smoothies
Wed. 3/9, 4-6pm, SRC 104
Stop by for Ron-Ron juice and the grand prize raffle drawing! Sponsored by CARE, CROSSROADS, and Health Promotion.

Happy Hour
Thurs. 3/10, 4-6pm, Sharky’s
Free food, games, and your last chance to pick up a Safe Spring Break kit!

Have questions or need accommodations? Call 962-4136.

Until next time...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

We're back for another week's Free for All Friday!  Here's what's happening around campus this weekend:

Softball vs. App State, Boseman Field, 2:30 PM
Baseball vs. Marist, Brooks Field, 4 PM
Softball vs. Gardner-Webb, Boseman Field, 4:45 PM
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 1, Lumina Theatre, 7 & 10 pm, $2 with ID

Elect Her Workshop, Azaela Coast Rooms A & B, 11 AM
Softball vs. Dayton, Boseman Field, 12:15 PM
Baseball vs. Miami (Ohio), Brooks Field, 4 PM
Nowhere Boy, Lumina Theatre, 8 PM, FREE with ID

Women's Basketball vs. George Mason, Trask, 2 PM
Baseball vs. West Virginia, Brooks Field, 4 PM
3rd Annual Juneteenth Quiz Bowl, Lumina Theatre, 7 PM, FREE

Until next time...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

We're back for another Thursday's Thanks!  This is the time of the week when the Landing staff takes time to thank someone on campus that has made an impact on our Landing community!

This week, the Landing staff would like to send a big thank you to Vice Chancellor Pat Leonard!  Here's what the Landing staff had to say about the Vice Chancellor!

"I love how she really wants to know each student personally and her face is familiar around campus!"
"I'm thankful for her because she is my role model of who I want to be in my student affairs career."
"I love VCPL because every time she sees me, she says hello and her interactions with me are very genuine.  She does not just make small talk, but remembers thing about my life and shows she cares about me."
"I appreciate that VCPL gets right in and works with the students throughout campus- like at Late Night Breakfast during Homecoming!"

Vice Chancellor, thanks for everything you do and everything you will continue to do!  A big Landing Thursday's Thanks to you!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

April Channel 77 Movies

Good mroning, everyone!

Do you enjoy watching movies on Channel 77, but wish you had a way to vote for what movies you'd like to see shown?  If so, you should fill out the Channel 77 movie survey.  Click here to take the survey.

Below you will see what movies you can catch on Channel 77 throughout the next week.  Stay tuned for the list of March movies to come!

Until next time...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bite the Bug Before It Bites You!

Good morning, everyone!

Are you worried about cold and flu season and how it may effect you this year?  Well, the Landing staff would like to ease your fears a little bit by having the Office of Health Promotions come speak to you about what steps you can take in order to beat the bug this year.

Come on out to Seahawk Landing building #6's lobby at 8 pm tonight to learn more about self-care and prevention tips for this year's cold and flu season!

Until next time...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Attention: Graduating Seniors

Good morning,

This post in particular is for the graduating seniors living in Seahawk Landing.  Below is an email you should have received from Nate Miner regarding when you'd like to move out of the Landing this summer.  Please read the email below if you have not yet and respond to him as soon as possible!

Dear Senior,

According to our records you are eligible for graduation on December 11, 2010. As a graduating senior, you are eligible to cancel the remaining portion of your housing contract/lease agreement which would release you from your remaining financial responsibility with Housing and Residence Life. This leaves you with two options:

Option 1

You do NOT wish to cancel your housing contract as you will be continuing as a student at UNCW during the Spring Term. Please understand that this means you must be a full time UNCW student during the Spring 2011 term.

Option 2

You DO wish to cancel your housing contract as you will no longer be a full time UNCW student for Spring 2011. By choosing this option, you will NOT be held financially responsible for any remaining contractual obligations to Housing and Residence Life.
If you choose this option, you also understand that you will need to vacate your room by 10 a.m. on December 12, 2010.
No matter which option that you choose, you should look for information in your Residence Hall and from your RA about setting up a check-out appointment and following the correct procedure for vacating your room. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at or Mr. Nate Miner at

Until next time...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

We're back again for another Free for All Friday:

Baseball vs. Jacksonville, 4 PM, Brooks Field
Do You Remember Being a 5th Grader, 7 PM, Warwick

Baseball vs. Jacksonville, 2 PM, Brooks Field
Ghostbusters, 3 PM, Lumina Theatre
Homecoming Parade, 4:30 PM
Trask Trek, 6:15 PM, Wagoner Hall
Men's Basketball vs. Charleston Southern, 7 PM, Trask

Women's Basketball vs. Northeasternn, 1 PM, Trask
Baseball vs. Jacksonville, 2 PM, Brooks Field
The Cove, 7 PM, Lumina Theatre

Until next time...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

This week's Thursday's Thanks goes to Mr. Nate Miner for all of the work he does with managing the rollover/transition periods for Housing and Residence Life.  For some of you, you have worked with Nate as recently as this past December/January when you were moving rooms in the Landing or into the Landing from another area on campus! 

Nate's email communication with students helps to keep you informed and Nate has worked hard to develop a system that is best for everyone!  Nate also works closely with the maintenance and housekeeping staffs that work to keep our buildings as nice as they are!

Thanks, Nate for all of your hard work!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Landing Area Chapter

Good morning, everyone!

Have you participated in the Wagon Wheel service activities that have happened here in the Landing or attended a program such as Trivia Night on the Landing Seal?  If so, then you have benefited from the Landing Area Chapter!

Well, the group is currently looking for some more members and would love for you to join the group in working to make the Landing the #1 place to live on campus.  You will be able to provide programming, do community service, attend RHA/AC meetings, vote on important bills/legislature, etc.

If you are interested, please contact ARC Adam Hall at

Until next time...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Smoothies, Smoothies Everywhere

Good morning, everyone!

Today we have a guest post from the Landing's ARC, Adam Hall, as a review of the delicious smoothies which are made in our Landing sandwich shop!

So you think you know UNCW dining? If you have not had a delicious, delectable, delightful Landing smoothie then you are truly mistaken. There are a number of tasty smoothie creations that one can partake in as well as special additions that you can add for a healthy boost. With a multitude of smoothie bases and an exuberant amount of tasty fruits, there is a smoothie for everyone. From those who love a little yogurt in the morning and those who like to have a fruiter base. Do not miss out on the best thing in the Seahawk Landing since well the landing. So, I know what you are thinking, “I need to down one of these delicious smoothies right now!” You’re right, you do, but be careful not to get brain freeze, it could be dangerous.
- Adam Hall

Until next time...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tealin' Like A Star

Good morning, everyone!

Last night's Late Night Breakfast in Wag kicked off this year's Homecoming events.  Below you will see a list of all the events for this week.  Get out and enjoy the events this week!

Until next time...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

Here weo go for another Free for All Friday:

Jake Shimabukuro, 8 PM, Keenan Auditorium, $6-$22
Girl Who Played with Fire, 7 & 10 PM, Lumina Theatre, $2 with ID

Intercultural Festial, 11 AM, Warwick & Burney Centers
Women's and Men's Tennis vs. Campbell, 1 PM
Moulin Rouge, 8 PM, Lumina Theatre, Free with ID

Women's and Men's Tennis vs. Liberty, 1 PM
Temple Grandin, 7 PM, Lumina Theatre
Late Night Breakfast, 10 PM, Wag, free

Until next time...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

This week's Landing Thursday's Thanks goes out to the Technology department within the Office of Housing and Residence Life.  As we've shared with you previously, there has been a lot of new technology that has come into our daily work here in the Landing within the past year.  A lot this technology and the website update are as a result of the work of the gentlemen in the technology department!  A special thanks goes to Sean Ahlum, Kyle Fidalgo, Skylar Bunn, and Brendon Cook!

Another result of their work, thanks to some feedback from all of you, is that we will soon be featuring an internet bar here in the Landing office.  There will be a computer available for you to use when you need it or to send things to the printer also located here in the office!  Thank you for that great feedback about an addition to the Landing!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dub Idol Hometown Party

Dub Idol Season 5
Hometown Party

Come out and meet Season 5’s contestants before the final show and enjoy karaoke!!
There is one contestant from each on campus area (except Seahawk Crossing), one representing off-campus and 2 Wild-Card contestants from off campus.
Free dub idol t-shirts
Get ready for the biggest season of
Dub Idol yet!!
Wednesday February 9th at 6:00pm
In Wagoner Dining Hall

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Getting In: Planning for Grad School

Good morning everyone,

Attention sophomores and juniors!  Are you thinking about applying to grad school after you graduate from UNCW?  If so, you will want to check out an event hosted by the UNCW Career Cetner called Getting In: Planning for Grad School.

Explore these important questions:
Should I go to grad school?
Will grad school get me where I want to go?
How can I plan for the admissions process?
Cosponsored with University Learning Center and the UNCW
English Department.
Tues, February 15
4 – 5p.m.
Azalea Coast Rm 2001
Fisher University Union

Until next time...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cheer Tryouts

Good morning, everyone!

I wanted to make you aware of tryouts for the UNCW Cheer Team!  We received the flyer below from the Athletics department and I wanted to pass along word to you!

Until next time...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Free For All Friday

Good morning, everyone!

We're here for another Free for All Friday!

Morning Glory, Lumina Theatre, 7 & 10 PM, $2 with ID

The Vagina Monologues, Lumina Theatre, 7 PM, $5 with ID
Men's Basketball vs. M & M, Trask, 7 PM

Superbowl Party, Building 2 lobby, 6:30 PM

Until next time...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday's Thanks

Good morning, everyone!

This week, we're bringing back the Thursday's Thanks spotlight.  This week on the blog, we'd like to give a big Thank You to Offier Hodge of the UNCW Police Department.  Officer Hodge serves as our Police and Community Networking officer- PAC'N. 

As the PAC'N officer for the Landing, Officer Hodge does programming for you, the residents about rules and regulations, bike safety, answers questions you may have, helps to register your bikes into the UNCW system, etc.  Officer Hodge really helps to make this community safe!  He also works closely with the RA staff and even joined us for our staff meeting this past week.

For all that he does to help the staff and keep the residents safe, we give a big Landing Thursday's Thanks to Officer Hodge!

Until next time...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sustainable Seahawks

Good morning, everyone!

Today I'm actually going to be sharing another blog with you!  The Sustainability committee for Housing and Residence Life has started their own blog called Sustainable Seahawks.  Click here to visit the blog.

On this blog you will find more information about the No Impact video competition, upcoming sustainability programs, and Sustainability Week which will be coming your way in April!

Also feel free to use this forum to provide feedback to the Sustainability committee about the efforts you see them making on campus or any ideas you have for them!

Until next time...