
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Maintenace Request System

Good morning, everyone!

I have exciting news to share this morning regarding the online maintenance request system that we use here in the residence halls!  The exciting news is that we have a brand new system this semester.  You will now be able to track your maintenance requests from the time you submit it until it is completed via email.

You will still find the maintenance request system online through my Seaport.  However, now, when you submit a maintenance request, you will automatically be sent an email telling you that it has been received.  Then, you will receive an email letting you know it has been completed or what the progress is if they're not able to fix it right away.

We hope that you will find this system much more user-friendly and be happy with the progress that Housing Operations has made for you the resident!!!

Please let me or your RA know if you have any questions!

Until next time...

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